Allow us to reintroduce you to The Skin Lounge along with our providers Misty, Gabe, and Destini. We decided it was time to combine our three businesses into one comprehensive med spa in Cedar Rapids!
A New and Improved Experience
Whether you’re visiting us for the first time or you’re a long-time client, we hope you’ll enjoy the beautiful and easy-to-navigate website we built with the help of the award-winning website agency, Lifted Logic.
We embarked on a rigorous web design process that allowed us to think through every word, image, and color of our website—all to introduce you to The Skin Lounge (new and improved).
Our new site makes it easier than ever to learn about our services and start living your life boldly and beautifully.
In one place you can:
During this process, we also had the best time getting real photos of our business and our clients for the new site. Inviting real clients to join in our professional photoshoot allowed us to truly showcase our personality and share our joy with the Cedar Rapids community.
“We loved working with the team at The Skin Lounge to create a gorgeous new website that highlights the entirety of their services and streamlines their brand!”
– Hailey Matovic, Project Manager, Lifted Logic
Step Into Your Best Self at The Skin Lounge
Feel free to explore our website or contact us today to learn more about our services.